Spillway #24, Spring 2016
Hiroshima Redux
“Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”
R. Oppenheimer, 1965
To have filmed it, would have been to anticipate
its sheer awesome power,
prayed to rest and tested upon the skin of
forgotten children.
To capture, would have been to throw it onto
ground zero, yet then…
at low elevation, perhaps sea level, he sat zazen in
a rock garden canopied
by leafy Japanese maples in early August,
and observed
curvatures of sand and stone swirl like tidal
currents about
an island of small granite placed off center.
A bit further…
he might have walked through a gate as yet crimson,
emblazoned with
four Kanji characters which declare peace comes
to all who
practice mindfulness, but then swept by heat,
the temple burst
into flame, one no human or no god
could ever reframe.
“Hiroshima Redux” was nominated by Spillway
for a Pushcart Prize in 2016.