
A sampling…

Bamboo Ridge:  “Putty,” “Diaspora,” “Eight-Course Chinese Banquet,” “’No Dogs or Chinese Allowed’,” “Interrogation No. 1, June 15, 1935,” “Sale,” “Five Star Baby Palace,” “House of Jai.”

Cimarron Review:  “Elegy for the Death of Sex at the Coming of.”

Crab Orchard Review:  “Browsing the Walls at the Angel Island Immigration Station, I Seek the Lost Tones of the Heungshan Dialect,” “At the Makai Market Food Court,” “The Pure Products of Parenting,” “Approaching Hong Wan Village Gate, Taizhou.”

Eleven Eleven Literary Journal:  Chinese Wall Poems – “I, young son of the Wong clan from Hèung Sèhng,” “I, a seven-foot gentleman, am ashamed I cannot stretch out,” “Detained in the wood house several weeks,” “The west wind drifts through my thin gauze shirt,” “Random thoughts, my worry returned which became this poem.

Rusted Radishes: Beirut Literary and Art Journal: Selections from the Angel Island Wall Poetry – “My Original Plan,” “49. My petition denied already half a year, with no further news,” “1. Leaving behind wife and child, I’ve experienced heavy seas,” “Crossing Songs No. 3.”

Spillway:  “Hiroshima Redux.”

Power_of_the_People_Won’t_Stop:_Legacy_of_the_TWLF_at_UC_Berkeley:   “Video Clip (Poet as Young Revolutionary, Berkeley 1969)